
For those of your employees, who have necessary accesses, it is a piece of cake to find any contact of any specialist of all counterparties in the system. There is a possibility of blocking the download of the database of counterparties. There is a notification of manager about client’s birthday. In the system, your employees have access to the contacts of your company’s counterparties. To do this, employees are given appropriate access. Thus, you provide decent conditions for effective communication with partners and prevent leaks. There is a history of interaction with the counterparty concerning number of orders, events, contracts, reciprocal payments, tasks, related to it, deliveries.There is an opportunity to create personal accounts for regular clients in the system. It is possible to implement the whole circulation of documents, excluding mail, using personal account. For this purpose, convenient built-in official correspondence is used. This makes it easy to find any document, which was sent via personal account, regardless of its limitation and who worked with this client.

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