Perhaps, a lot of people have faced with situation, when all negotiations with client were successful, you reached agreement both on price and conditions, the final task is to fix all the agreements reached on paper and get to work, but!.. Formation of a contract and other documentation is such a boring and tedious procedure for you, that you simply do not want to start it. As a result, transactions may be postponed from day to day and even not be carried out at all…
Our program is going to be the salvation for such people, because documents are prepared for 3-5 minutes with its help!
Quickly fill in requisite details (and we remember that with implemented in DIRECTOR’S INSTRUMENT federal information database it can be done in “two and a half” mouse clicks), enter in special fields transaction parameters (amount, price, term) and specific conditions (if any). Voila! Contract, bill with affixed seal and facsimile signature are sent to customer’s email.